Why China ?

Why China ?

China offers a competitive advantage very interesting for the industrial purchaser. But Europeans who do not know sufficiently the ground make heavy errors there. "To reduce its costs, to find new sources of supply or challenger his current suppliers. Pushed by an increasingly demanding interior market, by Investments Direct Foreigner (IDE) always such important, China is currently one of the most developed countries low-cost. This is valid for the consumer goods, the metallurgy, the plasturgie, electronics, and that becomes it for the equipment of industrial production (CNC, pharmaceutical equipment, ...), the car, and soon aeronautics and the nuclear power."

Why is China so competitive ?

China continues to be most competitive of emergent economies called "BRIC" (Brazil, Russia, India and China), according to the annual classification of the World Economic Forum (WEF) returned public on 02/03/2010.

China consolidated its position among the 30 most competitive economies of the world, by gaining a place to be classified with the 29th row this year, indicated the WEF.

Brazil and India also progress, being classified 56th and 49th respectively, while Russia lost 12 places, finding themselves with the 63th row.

The progression of continental China in the classification is mainly due to its enormous market and to its raised growth rate, explains the report, which established this classification including 133 countries this year.

Moreover, the commercial environment and the capacity to innovate of this Asian country improve quickly. The country also enjoys a very advantageous tax situation, as well as a labor to low costs which make it possible the government to encourage the domestic demand, the investment in the infrastructures and the continuation of the economic reforms.

The WEF publishes his annual report on competitiveness in the world since 1979. The classification is based on the data publicly available and a survey carried out near commercial leaders throughout the world.

China exporting first of the world

The World Trade Organization (WTO) confirmed that China became the world's leading exporter in 2009, dethroning for the 1st time Germany, with exports of 1.202 billion dollars.

Germany exported in 2009 1.121 billion dollars and the largest world importer, the United States, reached the third place with 1.057 billion dollars exported, according to the last statistical data on international business 2009/2010.
The world commerce had known in 2009 a fall without precedent since the Second world war, of 12.2% in volume, in addition confirmed OMC, which provides that the international exchanges will increase by 9.5% in 2010.
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